Friday, March 6, 2009

I'm doctor monkey

Yesterday Ben had his 6 month check up. Here are his current stats:

Head circumference: 46.5 centimeters
Height: 28.25 inches
Weight: 23.4 pounds

He's in the 97th percentile for all three measurements. His growth chart is consistent, though, so we just have a big boy on our hands. A big boy who probably won't fit into many hats, come his teenage years. Let's hope he doesn't have a beret phase. It'll be disappointing. On many levels.

The doctor said Ben looks "perfect." He also said he's "really cute" and seeing Ben "made his day." Considering that the guy probably sees several infants a day, he's laying it on a little thick. But he manages to say it in such a sincere, convincing way that I almost believe him. Either way, he says Ben's healthy and developing well, so that's all I care about.

Ben was wonderful at the doctor's office. He was happy and he didn't mind when the doctor examined him. The shots pissed him off a little bit (understandably), but he only cried for a few seconds and then he was fine. Considering that we heard other infants screaming bloody murder while we waited, maybe seeing Ben did make the doctor's day.

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